Having lived as an immigrant most of my life, and a multilingual person, I, realized how important was for me to be understood in the language I was expressing my feelings.

Roya Sakhai,
I will help you to look at your past, look at who you loved, and how you learned to be loved. Multi-lingual Counseling Center Inc. was formed by looking at my personal life and by using my research for my Doctoral dissertation on “How switching in languages can affect Personality”. Having lived as an immigrant most of my life, and a multilingual person, I, realized how important was for me to be understood in the language I was expressing my feelings. In my research, I realized that studies have found that bilinguals / multi-linguals change their personality as they switch between their languages. In my research I also realized that bilinguals/ multi-linguals can better access their memory in the language that memory was formed.
Languages: English — Farsi — Dari — Spanish — Italian

Kambiz Sakhai,
My approach to psychotherapy takes into consideration the subjective, the objective, and the intersubjective dimensions of the life of the patient. Individual, society, and nature are all analyzed and discussed in the process of therapy. Rogerian psychotherapeutic approach deals with the subjective dimensions or the specifically psychological aspects of the process; Fromm, Frankfurt school, and Habermas are responsible for the intersubjective aspects; and Rumi and Zoroastrianism take care of the universal and human side.
Person Centered approach of Rogers which is based on Phenomenological understanding of the patient’s psyche constitutes the core of my psychotherapeutic method. This approach requires me to provide empathy and unconditional positive regard to the patient. At the same time it demands complete honesty, transparency, and congruency, on my part. Psychotherapy, according to this school, consists of the process through which the patient learns to be genuine, to himself or herself without becoming self centered and aggressive towards other human beings. S/he learns to be present as well as aware at all times without denying other peoples presence. Erich Fromm, Frankfurt School, and Jurgen Habermas constitute the other dimensions of my theoretical understanding of the world of the patient. They help me understand the social, economic, political, and linguistic ramifications of the patient’s psychopathology. They provide me with the knowledge that is necessary for understanding the socio economic, political, and linguistic barriers to an authentic life.
Beside the above mentioned schools of thought that are mainly rooted in the western culture I use Eastern Philosophies and trends of thought like Zoroastrianism and mystical approaches of Rumi and Attar. They help me, as well as the patient, to not to lose sight of the connection with the universal dimensions of the individual’s psyche and its link to the humanity and nature as a whole.
Languages: English — Farsi — Dari — Italian